
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
32 Lasagna Dick
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
This time on Gents INQ the guys hit topics ranging from what kind of junk we horde, to the advantages of listening to vinyl, all the way down to violence and racism in cartoons. After all that things start to get philosophical when Aj and Petey get chatting about time travel, string theory and other astrophysical gobble-dee-gook. To wrap it all up they hit two Inquiries this week.
- If you were a professional wrestler what would your character be?
- If you could play any professional sport, what would it be?
Twitter @Gents_INQ
Facebook: facebook.com/gentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Find us on iTunes, Stitcher and PodBean
Like, subscribe, rate, comment...do it all. We greatly appreciate you.
The Gents

Monday Dec 14, 2015
8mm Dissection : The Exorcist (1973)
Monday Dec 14, 2015
Monday Dec 14, 2015
Here we are again with another episode of 8mm Dissection. Breaking down The Exorcist. nothing more to say...Check it out!
Twitter: @Gents_INQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and PodBean.com

Sunday Dec 06, 2015
31 The Gents Get Jizzy
Sunday Dec 06, 2015
Sunday Dec 06, 2015
In this ejaculate covered edition of GentsINQ we discuss things like: the morning wood pee, what holds you off, are you a shooter or dribbler and the impossibilities of shower sex. That's not all though. Thanksgiving has passed and that can only mean one thing...Black Friday. We talk about the racially charged day of psychotic shoppers and discover AJ's, yet to be realized, future as a pool cleaner. And things get heated over Rolling Stones Magazines Top 100 Guitarists list.
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Find us on iTunes, Stitcher and at Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
Subscribe. Rate, and Enjoy.
- The Gents

Sunday Nov 29, 2015
8mm Dissection: Jeepers Creepers 2
Sunday Nov 29, 2015
Sunday Nov 29, 2015
In this edition of 8mm Dissection, The Hamster and Petey breakdown Jeepers Creepers. SPOILERS: 'Dary has a cameo...that handsome S.O.B. On par with shows past, hear us stumble our way through the second of the Jeepers Creepers, soon to be, 3 part series.
Twitter: @Gents_INQ
Facebook: /GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Find us on iTunes, Stitcher, PodBean, and soon Google+
Like, subscribe and rate where applicable...love always,
yo mama.

Sunday Nov 22, 2015
30 Vacation Death Match-Up
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Have you ever been somewhere? Well then, this might be the episode for you. AJ tells us about his recent travels. Both horrors and joys. Jared gives a riveting update on what is going on in his life. Oh, and we play some celebrity death match-up. Good times to be had.
Twitter: @Gents_INQ
Facebook: facebook.com/gentINQ
E-Mail: Gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Find us and subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher.

Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
29 Diving into the Mind of Subway Jared
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
In this installment of Gentlemen's Inquiry we start of by talking about at what point in a hostage situation do you choose diddle a kid over a separate option. The conversation is uncomfortable but the debate is on. Beyond that, AJ saw one of the most Minnesotan things you can see: a Lumberjack Competition. I tell the guys about Running the Gauntlet (WARNING: NOT FOR EYES UNDER 18 OR THE SQUEAMISH) of which we did after the show. It's Horrific folks...just don't. After that AJ and Jared play a little game: Match the Ruler to the Execution Method They are Known for Having Used.
The Gentlemen's Inquiry for the week: Assuming reincarnation is real and you get to pick what you come back as, what do you choose?
Twitter: @Gents_INQ
Facebook: /GentsINQ
E-Mail: Gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com

Monday Nov 02, 2015
28 GentsINQ Presents: The 2015
Monday Nov 02, 2015
Monday Nov 02, 2015
In this special holiday edition of Gentlemen's Inquiry, The Gentleman himself hits the streets of Mankato interviewing the drunken masses of college students that crowd the downtown plaza courtyard. We asked the tough questions like, "If you were a serial killer, what would your style be?" and, "Sir, you're locked in a room with a dead cellmate, what comes first, eatting their dead body or get jiggy with it?" Listen in as we comment on what happened that night and hear the clips for yourself.
Twitter: @Gents_INQ
Facebook: facebook.com/gentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Find us also on iTunes and Stitcher. SUBSCRIBE AND RATE
thanks for coming out,
Gent's INQ

Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
27 The Gentlemens Booty Hour...Ish
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Aj, Jared and Petey are back and this time they want to talk butts. That's right folks we wanted to talk a full episode all about butts. As usual we strayed from the path to success but they were some excellent detours. Strap in folks, sit back and enjoy the voices...I hear it works for the Schizos.
Twitter: @Gents_INQ
E-Mail: GentlemensInquiry@gmail.com

Monday Oct 12, 2015
26 Roll-Playing With Your Heartstrings
Monday Oct 12, 2015
Monday Oct 12, 2015
This time on, Gentlemen's Inquiry, J-rizzle and Pete sit down and discuss the week since the band draft.
We talk food related idiosyncrasies, talk about our trip to the Acme Comedy Co. from this last week, RenFest boobies, and we get into our non-fetishist sex lives.
Twitter: @Gents_INQ
Facebook: /GentsINQ
E-Mail: Gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com

Sunday Oct 04, 2015
25 The Great Band Draft of 2015
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
The Gents and 5 panelists venture forth into the unknown. Who will they choose? 5 band members, a manager/producer type character and pick a name for your supergroup.
Thank you to Debbie, Ellen, Jesus, Nicole and The Hamster for judging this bout