
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
44 The Evo-Devolution Gun
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
This one is a real doozy ladies and gentlemen. Petey and AJ sit down for a one-on-one BS session that starts out similar to any other but by the end really ramps up to a new level. With Prince's passing we talk for a little bit about his legend as well as that of former WWE wrestler, Chyna and the late Doris Roberts. We both went to separate comedy shows this last week and we touch on that a bit. The Evo-Devolution Gun gets created and we talk some shot about ridiculous products you can buy on the web today.
No GentsINQ this week.
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Website: Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Sunday Apr 17, 2016
8mm Dissection: Halloween (Rob Zombie) PT1
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
The Hamster and Petey play out the death and destruction Michael Meyers leaves in his wake in the 2007 re-imagining of John Carpenter's, Halloween (1978). Excuse our ignorance on thinking it was 1970...
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Website: Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Sunday Apr 10, 2016
43 What's That Rolling Out Of Your Pants-Leg?
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
With all three of The Gentlemen in studio, we catch up a little bit on what is going on in the world...well, our worlds. We kick off with a little spoiler action. Jared saw "Witch" since he was last on the show. So, we talk about the unique experience that you get from seeing that film. After that Aj and Jared fill Petey in on their experiences, thus far, with the new Tom Clancy game titled, "The Division". You'll hear Petey talk about 2 movies he saw in the week leading up to this show: "Green Inferno" and "The Last Witch Hunter". As we get close to the GentsINQ for the week, there is some light Daredevil SE2 talk and Aj tells the guys about "Zootopia". Finally, Petey gets into 2 stories he read on the web and we finish off the show with a heated GentsINQ.
GentsINQ: If you could kill any 3 people living today with no consequences, which 3 people would you choose?
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Website: Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Thursday Apr 07, 2016
8mm Dissection: Tusk Part 2
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
This is that back half of the Dissection Petey did with Shawn of Language of Bromance. In this half, believe it or not, the action heats up even more than we have already seen. Not to mention Pete's drunken-ness continues to worsen. It's a shame really, but still kinda entertaining to listen to in its own right. Last time you will hear that level of drunk out of me on this show, sorry folks, it is about to get hella professional. Well, not really just more sober. But in a way they are one in the same, right? Regardless...

Sunday Apr 03, 2016
8mm Dissection: Tusk Part 1
Sunday Apr 03, 2016
Sunday Apr 03, 2016
In this installment of 8mm Dissection I sit down with a special guest to break down Kevin Smith's 2014 film, "Tusk". Shawn, my guest, is a fellow podcaster who co-hosts The Language of Bromance podcast along side his close friend Rich. I wanted to sit down with Shawn because we share a common appreciation of what this film is; beyond the surface of it.
Check out Shawn and Rich's show on iTunes, Stitcher, Pocketcast and their website: Languageofbromance.com.
And Give them a follow on Twitter: @languageofbro
And as always our contact info is as follows:
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Sunday Mar 27, 2016
8mm Dissection: Thir13en Ghosts
Sunday Mar 27, 2016
Sunday Mar 27, 2016
Petey and The Hamster are at it again breaking down one of their childhood favorite horror flicks, 2001's Thir13en Ghosts. This is a remake on a 1960 film Directed by William Castle. Castle was know to have a gimmick to the movies to help draw more people into the seats. This movie did so by claiming that if you didn't wear the Illusion-O glasses the ghosts would be invisible to the movie patron. A lighter, less terrifying way to watch the movie. Those with Adventure in their souls, however, could wear the Illusion-O glasses and get the full ghost experience. This time around they decided not to do the gimmick but to pay homage to it in the movie itself.
This movie, while B in quality, is well worth the watch. There are not many movies that have a story line that compares to this one in originality. You have to forgive their, at points, faulty filming and gaping plot holes...(think about the innuendo there...just saying) and just sit back to enjoy some of the pure beauty that went into creating these ghosts and the story behind them. I can summarize that by saying, watch this if for no other reason than the gory and satisfying practical effects that are at the core of this B-movie gold.
Tony Shalhoub as Arthur Kriticos
Matthew Lillard as Dennis Rafkin
Shannon Elizabeth as Kathy Kriticos
F. Murray Abraham as Cyrus Kriticos
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Sunday Mar 20, 2016
42 Is There Spunk In My Coffee?
Sunday Mar 20, 2016
Sunday Mar 20, 2016
This one is a doozy folks. Get into it. The show gets going with a call from Jamie The Texan defending Steven Segal's newest film. After that Petey brings a news story up regarding some phony parking tickets in Ashville, South Carolina. That little prank inspires us to talk about some pranks from the high school days. Oh, did we mention that Petey's neighbor got into some beef with a group of local hooligans...good times. Pete has one more story to share about some off-flavor coffee. (Insert GentsINQ 1) As usual the conversation moves to superhero talk in lieu of Civil War being just beyond the horizon. AJ goes into a dinner theater experience that he had and out of nowhere, things get political. (Sorry, it's bound to happen; we're caring citizens) and finally we hit you with a second GentsINQ to wrap up the show.
GentsINQ 1: If you could live the life, beat for beat, of one entertainer (alive or dead) who do you choose?
GentsINQ 2: If you could be any ruler that has existed in history, which would you be?
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Sunday Mar 13, 2016
41 The One When We Get Nostalgic
Sunday Mar 13, 2016
Sunday Mar 13, 2016
The show kicks off with a story about the wonderful hotel Petey stayed in when visiting his grandma, SPOILER: there was no turn down service at this dump. After that we follow up with a little waxing romantic about the ending that should have been in Freddy VS. Jason and the idea of a sequel and some video game babble. Once the show is in full swing, it becomes time to analyze the drawings that Petey asked The Gents to bring and play a little word association. All we learned was...dicks and black people (thatll make more sense later). Before wrapping up we chat about how a dog crashed a semi truck in our town earlier in the week and the time someone tried to escape the police by driving his car into the local Walmart.
Gentlemen's Inquiry: If you had to live with one of these afflictions which would YOU choose?
3)Severe Drug Addiciton
Twitter: Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Sunday Mar 06, 2016
8mm Dissection: The Hills Have Eyes 2
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
As usual, The Hamster and Petey dive in deep with a follow up on a movie they covered some time ago now with The Hills Have Eyes 2.

Sunday Feb 28, 2016
40 Adolescent Oddball Hockey Heros
Sunday Feb 28, 2016
Sunday Feb 28, 2016
The Gents discuss stuff about things!!! including a little bit about a Canadian super hero group of TMNT like street urchins, with a Great White North spin. and some other stuff...I think it's just better if you listen.
Twitter: Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents