
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
74 Stephen King's IT, Nough Said
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Well, the long talked about event has orrured and here we sit on the otherside of it all looking back and thinking...well, you'll have to listen for the rest of that statement. We've all 3 been waiting for this movie for a good long while now and have certainly talked about it at length in previous casts. The asnticipation is over, well, kinda. We'll see what 2018 brings.
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Website: Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
8mm Dissection: The Shining Part 2 of 2
Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
Here it is. The shocking conclusion to the gripping tale of a man and his family getting a little stir crazy in the snow-bound mountains of Colorado...The Shining Part 2
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Website: Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Sunday Aug 06, 2017
8mm Dissection: The Shining Part 1 of 2
Sunday Aug 06, 2017
Sunday Aug 06, 2017
We're back in action folks. Leave feedback!
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Website: Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
73 Best Groundhogs Day Ever
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Inquiry 1: If you could have a second body part of your choosing (specific or as broad as an extra head or torso) which would you choose?
Inquiry 2: Describe the best Groundhogs Day you could have. As in the movie, not the silly holiday. In other words if you were reliving the same day over and over but you weren't aware of it so every day feels new even though you've lived this day numerous time already, what would that day consist of?
Inquiry 3: Describe, in your opinion, the most horrifying armageddeon scenario that could play out.
Thanks for listening
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Website: Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
72 Tweet Twat Twitter
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
This is another 2 man Recording Gents. Jared was busy heloing out down at the old folks home shaving backs.
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Website: Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Monday Jul 10, 2017
71 Welcome To El Bait Shop
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Thanks for listeneing! Check us out at:
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Website: Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
70 One Inquiry To Rule Them All...
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
This week we have an inquiry of epic proportions, you'll see what I mean. Do you think you can handle the pressure?
1: If you received a mysterious invitation that required you to bring one guest with you but you dont know for what or why, who do you bring and why did you choose that person?(Must be a living human)
2: What is the most loathsome boss or villain you have come across in a video game?
3: Of all the characters in the Borderlands canon, playable or not, who would you like to see be the next set of vault hunters featured in the upcoming Borderlands 3?
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Website: Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Monday Jun 12, 2017
69 Disn-E3 Throwdown
Monday Jun 12, 2017
Monday Jun 12, 2017
This time on GentsINQ:
We get back in the saddle with some riveting and not so riveting questions...yep, that's right, were back in classic form
INQuiry #1: You are terminally ill with limited time left on this Earth, what are your top 3 Bucket List items you want to check of before you check off?
INQuiry #2: Describe your own personal, everlasting, hell.
INQuiry#3: What DC character would you choose as a downloadable character for the game Injustice 2? Which characters would you choose for a Disney themed fighting game in the vein of Injustice, Tekken and other fighting games of the like?
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Website: Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents

Tuesday Apr 18, 2017
69 Mild Case of Road Rage
Tuesday Apr 18, 2017
Tuesday Apr 18, 2017
Jared and Petey flyin solo...ish
Inquiries for this show are:
-If you had to pee insanely bad for the rest of your life or poo insanely bad for the rest of your life, (That feeling you have when you are just about to hit the "I'm going to poo/pee myself" phase) which would you choose?
-What is one thing that always gives you road rage?
-If you were the Captain of a pirate ship, what would you name your vessel?
-If you had to take a bullet, where on your body would you choose to be shot?

Monday Apr 03, 2017
68 Shotgun Jared
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Monday Apr 03, 2017
The Inquiries this week:
You're a world famous pornstar, what made you famous?
You are an inanimate object but you are also self aware, which object do you choose to be and which one would you never choose to be?
You have managed to hack into Donald J Trumps Twitter account, and you have time to get out one tweet as Trump before you are discovered, what does your tweet say?
Twitter: @Gent_INQ
Facebook: Facebook.com/GentsINQ
E-Mail: gentlemensinquiry@gmail.com
Website: Gentlemensinquiry.podbean.com
SUBSCRIBE AND RATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean…and any other platform I may have missed.
The Gents